Registration Information
Sorry, pets are not allowed! We must follow and respect the rules and regulations of the facility and the Strasburg community!
Registration Fees
Early registration fee of $30 ($20 for 12 & under/5 & under are free- no shirt). NO SHIRT will be provided for registrations after April 24th.
After April 24th and the day of the race price increases to $35 ($25 for 12 & under/5 & under free) and NO guarantee for a t-shirt. You may register on the day of the race from 7-8 am.
Information Pick-up
Early packet pickup will be Friday, May 10th, 4-7 pm at Wesley United Methodist Church proceed to the church fellowship building next to the church. Pre-packet pick-up is highly recommended to avoid crowds on race day!
To register online please click on the Registration link, this will take you directly to Kat’s 5k Run/Walk registration, (minimal processing fee applies), online registration closes Wednesday, May 8th @ midnight.
If you wish to mail in a registration form, please click on the Registration Form! Please DO NOT mail-in registration forms after May 3rd. After May 4th you may register at early packet pickup or on race day.
Parking is not allowed in the church parking lot on race day! Should you have a handicap or special need, please email ON street parking only!
Please plan to arrive early so you can find a parking space and allow enough time to pick up your race packets! The race must start promptly at 8:30 am! We will not delay the start of the race for late comers!!
We look forward to seeing everyone at this years Kat’s 5k! Please share with your family and friends and help us reach our goal of 500 registrants and raising over $15,000 for our beneficiaries! SEE EVERYONE MAY 11TH!!