About Us
Who We Are

For a long time we felt very alone on the “bereaved parent Journey.” We found that miscarriage, still birth and early infant loss are words that are rarely spoken. People who haven’t experienced such a loss find it hard to understand our loss and our need to speak of our beautiful children. If you are visiting our website as a bereaved parent, we hope you find comfort in knowing that you are not alone. We walk with you.
Friends of Angels is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization.
Our Mission

We are loving, remembering and helping, through charitable events to support organizations that provide comfort and gentle guidance to families that have suffered a loss of a child.
Our organization has established the Kathryn Frances Lehoe Burial Fund. This fund was established to assist families with some or all of the costs associated with a private burial for their child.
Losing a child at any age can be such a devastating and profound loss. The mission of our organization and raising awareness is very important to us. Should you know of an organization that we could assist, please contact Diane@friendofangels.org
Kathryn Frances Lehoe Burial Fund
The Kathryn Frances Lehoe Burial Fund was established to assist families who need financial assistance with private burial expenses, such as plot purchases, cemetery costs and funeral home expenses. In addition, Friends of Angels has partnered with Weaver Memorials. Weaver Memorials graciously agreed to give families an additional 15% of the donated amount from the Kathryn Frances Lehoe Burial Fund (up to $500) toward the purchase of a memorial for their child.
Kathryn’s fund is important to us, and we want to help. If you know someone or an organization that may need our financial assistance with burials or memorials, please have them contact Diane Lehoe at diane@friendofangels.org or Terri Hagens-Binkley at terri@friendofangels.org.
If you wish to make a donation to the Kathryn Frances Lehoe Burial Fund, please go to Our Donation page and find out ways to donate.